Make your FUTURE
Indeed, God will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.
Verse from the Quran 13:11
Do not worry about future. Prepare your future.
Think different. Do different.
Cheers !
I am glad you landed in this post. I hope I can benefit you in what you are searching for.
Yes. I started with the beautiful verse from the Quran where God describes YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO MAKES YOUR OWN FUTURE.
Yes! You! No one and nothing else in this world: not your father, not a husband, not a boss, or even that position or that amount of money.
People say to find your passion and your passion leads your incredible future or success.
Let me be honest and realistic with you – does really passion matter for you in this tough time and tough world.
Not easy. It’s just no time for it or no will to look for it.
So what is my suggestion?
First of all, connect with your Creator.
Ask for guidance.
My second advice sounds ….
Can you believe that your future that you want to build lies in benefitting others? Benefitting in many ways. No limit for it. Even benefiting in a way that you do not think bad about a particular person. Yes, that counts too. Tiny, tiny matters but still counts.
And finally: Action!
Act upon what you do with sincerity. Work hard. Every day. Take it more seriously. Believe in what you do.
And every day, you need positivity and able to do attitude. So, shift your mind to the ” Everything is Possible” attitude. Generate belief within yourself.
Nothing is going to motivate you to work hard every day except belief.
Believe in YOUSELF.