Think Different

Setting free the emotions

OPEN your palms. Let the blessings pour into you, from God. Let the well-being pour upon you, from God. Let the JOY and contentment descend down upon you, from God.

Do not close your hand, do not squeeze and tighten it. Do not let it envelope.

Set free your worries.

Feel the life.

OPEN the door of all goodness. Welcome the success, happiness, contentment, wealth, health, well being. Open the door for all of them.

Feel yourself vacuum inside of you. Feel the light. Physical light and spiritual light of your body. You will notice it only when setting free all your emotions, except contentment and inner joy.

Beautify your inner world, allowing yourself to only think good, think positive. Be glad and happy for whatever situation you are in. Just be grateful. Happiness is free. You do not need to chase it. You can just plant it inside of your mind and heart and take care of it every day to let it grow.

Let’s distinguish, that:

“The SuCCess we need to chase, not the HaPPiness”.