Think Different

Changing habits in 21 days and shifting mindset.

Would you like to bring positive changes to your life? Do you feel like you stuck somewhere; not able to change your situation?

Maybe you should try this method, and see yourself how far you can go.

Tackle the Challenges…

If you are facing difficulties, tribulations in life at this time, at this moment, then surely I bet you that you are capable to endure it, resolve it, and cope with it.

Sometimes, to resolve the issues – we need only one thing. That is – shift your mind; switch your mindset; and change your point of view.

Apparently, it is easy to say to, but difficult to do the task. Difficult to accomplish especially the ones that completely upon your choice – to do or not to do.

Know the Formula…

In order to change the mindset, requires a lot of amount of Patience, Effort, and Time.  Okay…?

This is the formula for changing habits and shifting mindset.


Changing habits in:

21 DAYS + 1 WEEK = a new HABBIT

Those two formulas work pretty well if you give it a try earnestly.

How it works…?

a. PATIENCE – simply demonstrates – not giving up.

You do not give up after hard work, many attempts, and fails.

Most importantly, you demonstrate patience in yourself: you allow yourself to fall and stand up again, you allow yourself to make mistake and correct it and make improvements onwards; you focused on achievements, not on failures; you focused on forgiving yourself not self-sabotaging yourself.

You do not give up after number of failures: You try again, again and again.

All these requires – PATIENCE.

b. EFFORT – means a lot of hard work.

A lot of hard work you pour into your work.

Plus love.

Love what you do.

And make your hard work very joyful.

What’s more, hard work with joy opens up the door of creativity and new ideas; builds up confidence, courage and expands the territory of possibilities.

Another way to emphasize the effort – come out from the comfort zone. There is no such thing as – easy to get, easy to achieve, easy to earn. Rather, it is hard to get, hard to achieve, hard to earn. Therefore, sacrifice your time, your sleep, your money, your free time to get the result of your achievements.

c. TIME – give yourself a good amount of time and wait with a positive attitude till your mindset changes.

Habits change in 21 days + 1 week. That hundred percent works. Trust me. But the mindset doesn’t change so easily.

Mindset is more like a child. You need to be very cautious and soft and and appreciative while treating yourself. Appreciate yourself in almost everything; appreciate in every tiny works you do; value your abilities and skills. Your abilities and skills which people around you do not value. It doesn’t matter. It’s not important what they think.

It is important what you think of yourself. It’s important you know your worth; you value your abilities and skills. It’s important you appreciate yourself.

There’s nothing else much needed.